Study God’s Story and His plan for the world from the beginning!

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For a Time Table of the Old Testament kings (diagram) … click here

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To read more from the authors of Old Testament Survey, and to see a list of resources used in producing this study click below.

from the authors of Old Testament Survey

The most important thing in life is to know what we believe. It is also important to know why we believe what we believe. This is the reason we are offering this course. You will see that the answers to these questions are found in the Bible. It is our prayer that God will use this course in establishing sound Bible believing churches.

The Old Testament Survey course is available now for anyone to use. You will study the Old Testament in chronological order of creation to the time 400 years before the birth of Christ. You will study the kings and the prophets who lived and worked contemporary with the kings. If possible, begin with Lesson One and work through all the lessons.

You will find the answers easier in the newer translations of the Bible, such as the New Life Version (NLT), the New Living Translation (NLT), the New International Version (NIV) … of course, any Bible you have in your home can be used. Or use (online).

Scriptures quoted from New American Standard Bible are footnoted (c) The Lockman Foundation, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975 and are used by permission.

The Old Testament Survey course was originally written by Joseph Pope primarily for people who use English as a second language. The lessons have been prepared for internet use by Helen Pope. Many people with various levels of formal education have appreciated the easy-to-understand English format.

The Course was originally prepared for The Bible Education by Extension (BEE) Department of the Key-Way-Tin Bible Institute (Lac La Biche, Alberta) and published by Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM), PO Box 3030, Prince Albert, SK  S6V 7V4.

— Joseph F. Pope & Helen Pope

Sources used include:

Barker, W.P., Everyone in the Bible.  Westwood, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1966.  370 pp.

Epp, T.H., Joseph, ‘God Planned It for Good’, Lincoln, Nebraska: The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc., 1971. 143 pp.

Freeman, H.E., An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1968.  384 pp.

Halley, H.H., Bible Handbook.  Chicago, Illinois: Henry H.  Halley, 1951.  956 pp.

Ironside, H.A., Notes on Minor Prophets.  New York, New York: Loizeaux Brothers, 1955.  464 pp.

Jamieson, R., Fausset, A.R., Brown, D., A Commentary of Old and New Testaments, I & II, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.

King James Version of the Bible.

Mears, H.C., What the Bible is All About. Glendale, California: Redal Book Division, Gospel Light Publication, 1966. 615 pp.

New American Standard Bible.  LaHabra, California: The Foundation Press Publications, 1971.

Price, I.M., The Dramatic Story of Old Testament History.  New York:  Fleming H.  Revell Co., 1935.  471 pp.

Robinson, G.L., The Twelve Minor Prophets.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Barber Book House, 1926.  203 pp.

Schultz, S.J., Old Testament Survey Law and History.  Wheaton, Illinois: Evangelical Teachers Training Association, 1964.  94 pp.

Schultz, S.J.  The Old Testament Speaks.  New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1960.  436 pp.

Smith, W., Bible Dictionary.  Grand Rapids 6, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, copyright by John C.  Winston Co., 1948.  818 pp.