NCEM LogoTribal Trails is a ministry department of Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM), which is a “faith” mission. NCEM is not structurally funded by a denomination, church conference, or any other organization. It is the voluntary gifts of God’s people that keep this ministry going.

The guests who appear on our programs are volunteers who do it without being paid. And each full-time Tribal Trails staff worker must trust God to provide for his/her needs. Tribal Trails staff are individually responsible for developing a team of financial supporters, usually a combination of interested individuals and churches.

With approval of NCEM administration, each missionary establishes a budget amount based on his/her ministry circumstances to a maximum of: $3,600 per month for single workers; $5,160 per month for married couples (figures current to 2012, for full-time workers).

Surplus in a worker’s salary (above the maximum monthly levels) remains to be paid out when incoming funds are lower, or can be used for ministry expenses.

Yes, besides Income Tax, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, the members provide a 5% (before tax) administration fee to NCEM’s General Fund.

What expenses are covered by the missionary’s monthly allowance?
The monthly amount is intended to cover the missionary’s housing and all other costs of living.

Initially, the missionary should have raised the required budget amount for NCEM’s Worker Salary Fund before his/her placement on staff.

If the allowance drops thereafter, various means — including deputation and specific requests for prayer — used to let others know of this need. (The NCEM or Tribal Trails General Funds do not make up the difference, and the Worker Salary Fund is not “pooled.”)

Yes, if sent directly to Tribal Trails/NCEM for receipting. Cheques should be made payable to Tribal Trails or NCEM with the approved designation on a separate piece of paper. If you are giving regularly, you may choose to receive your income tax deductible receipt monthly, quarterly, or annually.

NCEM is a member of Missio Nexus (a worldwide association of mission organizations) and an associate member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC). An independent accountant audits NCEM’s finances each year. Our annual financial statement is provided upon request.

Funds should be sent directly to Tribal Trails/NCEM, but if an income tax receipt is not required, gifts of money may be sent directly to the missionary.

Once every month. Monies received for the Worker Salary Fund are accumulated and distributed at the end of each month, along with a statement listing the names and addresses of donors.

What We Believe About Giving
  • When the Apostle Paul thanked the Philippian church for the gifts that they had sent him as an investment in his ministry of the Gospel, he described their gifts as “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:18).
  • God expects us to give willingly, joyfully, and generously. Paul describes the willing giver in 2 Corinthians 9:7 by saying, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
  • God expects us to give “with honest intent” (1 Chron. 29:17); to give quietly, not as the boastful Pharisees (Matt. 6:1-4).
  • In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Beyond your local ministry support, you need to look to God in prayer for His guidance to “adopt” specific works. These are ministries that are vital to the building up of Christ’s kingdom, and outside the scope of local church outreach.
  • We believe that we are stewards of all that comes into this ministry, and we will have to give an account of it to the Lord.
  • We have a responsibility to inform our supporters about where our finances go. God is our Provider, and He will move through His Body to meet every need, as long as we and our supporters are walking faithfully with Him.
  • Tribal Trails/NCEM is a nonprofit Christian ministry. It belongs to God, not to any of its members. If He ever chooses to close it down, we will accept His leading. All assets will go to another Christian ministry — not to any individuals associated with Tribal Trails/NCEM.